Thursday Sep 08, 2022

Convocourses Podcast: Long Vacation


Hey guys, this is Bruce and welcome to another convo course of this podcast. And today I want to talk to you guys about what's been going on in the last few months. I've been able to actually travel while I was between jobs and because I have a high-paying cyber security job, I had one anyway. I was able to quit.

My job. I had some family issues like I had to take care of. And my, job was, it was a very high level high stress job. So I was a consultant for all these different organizations and it was just, it was really stressful. And I had all these severe family issues that I needed to take care of. And the, actually the corporation that I worked for was really, kind.

And my boss was, took me aside and said, Hey man, if whatever you need we'll, let you. Had to let check a sabbatical and all that kind of stuff, which was very kind, very sweet very good company actually. But the, problem was I had so much travel and I was, I'm a remote worker there, but it was just too much travel.

So I couldn't make that match what I was doing with my home life. So I, went ahead and just, I had to leave, but in between I knew I was gonna get another job. Actually, my.  Side hustles have been doing so good. I thought maybe that I could just live off of that for some time, but the medical stuff was too high  to the medical here in the us is really bad if you didn't know.

Anyway, so neither here nor there. I couldn't afford to actually live off of my. My businesses and my all my income streams and stuff. So I'm processing, as in processing stuff, I've did a whole bunch of interviews and everything. I learned quite a bit more about the current state of getting jobs in cyber security.

But I was able to get one pretty fast and it was, I was able to get something I really wanted. So a hundred percent remote position making the kind of money I wanna make. And for, and just to give you guys some social proof.  what I've been doing. These, if you go to TikTok, a lot of the stuff I posted on TikTok was there's a lot of these videos that I did directly from my travels.

Here's let me show you one. Here's one right here where I'm on. I'm in Manila beach, I think so. Yeah. That's Manila beach right there. That's the embassy behind me in Manila. So yeah just did a whole bunch of videos. I was gonna. I was gonna go to all these other sites. I was gonna go to Bali and go to Singapore and, places like that.

But I, I just didn't, we had some issues with the flights. So I was just, I just ended up staying in the Philippines the whole time, but I just wanted to let you guys know, like what's possible because I was I'm working this high level job was able to save some money and able to go. Actually take a break for three months.

I've been off of work for three months and I could afford it because I just had, I had money and savings. I had all these other resources that I created. And so that's why I, was able to do it, but now I'm going back to work and everything. And I'm not sad about it, but I, would've been a lot happier if my business would've been able to support me and sustain my family for that whole time.

But unfortunately  unfortunately not . So yeah, thanks everybody for watching me doing this live once again on, on the podcast. And I wanted to talk to you guys about a few things, show you my, new podcast and where that stuff is at. I'm gonna show you the new book that I have. That's coming out to show you to do exactly what I've been doing.

It's gonna break all that stuff down and give you a preview of what that's all.  and and then I'll just answer some questions. We'll just, we'll keep it loose on this one. Let me show you another picture. This is me. I, was on a rooftop hotels, like a resort. It was really nice.

And I'm just telling, talking about showing like me actually doing it and. I've been able to do it by marketing myself. So that's what this video's all about. The video just shows me on the rooftop, jumping in a pool having a good life I wanna show other people how to do it.

Exactly what I did. It really works, but let me show you gonna be a book about marketing yourself in cyber security, how to create a resume in cyber security in particular, but it, you can also use it for it or whatever field you're in. Really like the techniques will work in any field, but I want to focus on cyber security cuz that's where that's what I've been doing for the last 20 years.

So cyber security and it jobs resume marketing. I'm gonna put this on Amazon. I'm gonna put this on my own personal website and I'll, there'll be two different versions and I'll have an audio version of this book. And what I'm gonna talk about is essentially how to get a path, how create a path in cyber security, cuz there's many cyber security is a huge field.

So whenever somebody says, oh, I'm want to get in cybersecurity. It's okay what, exactly do you wanna do in cyber security? Cuz there's forensics. There's incident responders, there's cyber security analysts, there's security compliance people. There's information to security officers.

There's engineers, architects, there's CIO, CSOs. There's all different kinds of roles and different kinds of fields within. Within cyber security, crypto cryptography is also a part of considered a part of cyber security as well. So it's just a huge field and it depends on what you're doing.

Yeah, here's the book it's gonna talk about, like the format you should use. I'm basically showing everything I've been doing and it's really been world. You wanna be spoon fed that stuff and ask me questions directly. Then that's the course expected results. All I do is talk about what, I'm experiencing.

Like I get calls all the time. I can name my price. If I want to go. If I'm willing to travel, I can name my price. I, tell you how to create a profile, how to put yourself out on all these sites and then how to get all the continuous calls. And not only that, but how to.  Get the actual format that you need.

That's gonna sell yourself. That's gonna be able to be digestible by all these organizations and employers who want you. They're looking for people right now. Cyber security is a huge field and we really don't have enough people doing it. Unfortunately, it's getting so crazy that they're even taking in a lot more entry level people than before.

There's lots of opportunities if you've been watching my, my, if you watched my last podcast, I talked about how those out there. And here, they are right here so far. If you want this directly from the site, go, if you happen to be watching me on YouTube, you can click on the link description below, and then it'll go to this site right here, but it's combo courses dot podcast, pod

And, you'll find it there. All right. Let me see, what else do I need to talk about? What else do I need to talk about? Oh yeah. So that book that I'm writing a cyber security book. That's gonna tell you exactly what I've been doing to market myself and get a lot of different opportunities to get into cyber security and information technology in general.

So I'm constantly getting emails, messages, text calls all day long. Maybe I'll probably get an average of.  with everything probably six or seven on average a day. Sometimes it's way more. It's actually quite annoying. And now that I actually chose a job, I have to turn all that stuff off. It's just so many opportunities.

It's a good problem to have to constantly be sorting through all of these different jobs and stuff. And out of those tons of jobs out of a hundred jobs they're, probably about 30 of them or not 13 of them that I'm. Or yeah, this is a good one. I'm gonna do an interview with this, with these guys so that's what I'm gonna show you guys how to do, but the second book, it's gonna be a two book series.

The second book is gonna be based off of this. What you see here on the screen. If you happen to be listening to me, this is the nice framework. So this is an organization called the national initiative for cyber security, careers and studies. These guys have been around for quite some time and what they did.

Brilliant. They broke down all the main categories of cyber security in the cyber security workforce. And these categories include there's seven of them and analyze, collect and operate, investigate, operate, and maintain, oversee, and govern, protect, and defend. And then securely provision. And let me just show you like what this is all about.

Like you might be like what, does this have to do with your book? Let me just explain to you, so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna break this down and make it so that it's understandable to, to everybody, like I'm gonna relate this directly to your, you getting a job, because like I said, cyber security is a huge field.

What these guys did was they broke it all down. If you go to this site, it's like a huge database.  and they have specialty areas in each category, right? So what I'll do I take you to my category? So my category is called oversee and govern. And so this is where a lot of managers, cyber security management, executive cyber cyber leaders are at legal advice, policy procedures, things like that, education, all that kind of stuff, because.

It's not usually hands on type stuff. It's more of you're overseeing what's going on. You're making sure everything is being going in the right direction. So my specialty is really this one right here, which is security information system, security managers, and then they have different work roles that, that breaks this breaks in further down into work roles.

And so it has abilities knowledge, skills, tasks. And, other things that you need to know, if you're trying to get into this actual work role and it, furthermore, what you can do is, and what I'll do in my book is I break this down into even relate it to directly, to like LinkedIn and indeed and all that stuff.

So you can see direct correlation between the categories. That they've broken down here. And actually the categories that are in all cyber security that's cuz that's what they did. They just took seven categories and said, okay, this is how cyber security breaks up. And then they broke that down further into specialized skills.

And then they broke those into work roles.  so I'm gonna take this stuff and relate it directly to how you can take stuff from indeed stuff from LinkedIn and find your niche that you can actually get into in cyber security. And then once you find your niche, once okay, I wanna be in information security officer.

I want to be an information security. I wanna be a COMSEC manager. Then what I'll do is I'll show you how to find. What exact degree you need, if you need one, cause some, don't even need a degree, bro. Some don't even need a degree. Some like just need specific skills, but it'll tell you exactly what skills you need.

Exactly what keywords to use on your resume. Exactly. What everything time you can check out this site is, that. Let me see if I can give you guys the link here. If you go to actually, if you go to Google and just type in cyber security workforce, nice. In N I C E, that right there will guide you to this site that I'm showing that I'm, that you see here.

It's pretty robust. There's a lot of things going on with this site, cuz these guys are very, active and the department of defense. As well as DHS and all these different agencies use these guys as a reference to know exactly what skills and tasks that are needed to do cyber security. Federal government relies on this, what you see here very heavily.

So that's why I decide to make a book about it, to boil it down its stuff, practical knowledge that you can use for your career. Two book series gonna tell you how to market and then how to get the proper career path of what, you want in this field. All right. Let's get into some questions.

This was not gonna be too long of a podcast. I'm going to go to, I've got a lot of questions popping up in TikTok. Shockingly enough. I did not expect this, but I've got about 2000 followers there so far and. A bunch very, active a lot of questions here, but let me see if I can answer a couple before I leave.

Lemme see here, if you're interested in following me on TikTok, just go to combo courses, go to TikTok and then search combo courses. Okay. So it says, somebody asked me I'm in the healthcare field and I'm. Trying to go with the security plus and the H C I S P which is like a healthcare cyber security certification from ISD two squared to stay relevant.

Any tips? Yeah. So this is great. Like this, is an awesome, and I'm gonna make another video about this specifically on TikTok, but I wanted to speak to this on with the podcast. For this as you're going to security, plus, as you're going to H C I S P I would actually do some labs in your house.

One of the best things, one of the most, one of the best ways to go deeper. And into this subject is actually have a lab in your house lab. That means get a separate computer, or you can actually do it on your computer that you use, get your laptop, your whatever workstation you use in your house. And you can use something called VMware and you can put different operating systems on that computer.

Or you can just buy a whole nother computer, build it from scratch, and then put the security features on that. That's a little bit more expensive with VMware. It allows you to I, don't think it's more in about 200 bucks VMware itself the software sounds, and that sounds pretty expensive, but you're investing in yourself.

So just think of it like that. You're investing in yourself, VMware. It works, but for now, I'm just gonna go to the site just to show you how you can create a lab, on your computer. So VMware is a virtual manager and it will, it's an application that sits on.  system on your computer, and then you can upload like Linux on it.

You can have different versions of windows. You can have Mac all on the same computer, and then you can network 'em together. And it's really cool. It's a really great way to learn how to do whole space firewalls. You can actually, I think you can even put like different firewalls on it. You can put a NAS on it, a firewall.

You can have whole little tiny network. If you wanna do this for free. If you like, especially if you're in a networking, there's another thing you can do called GNS three. This is something I used to use to, to practice for CCNA G I used to have a CCNA. I used to be huge into network.  it's been a while.

So  G N S three. So GNS three is actually is free. The only thing that's gonna cost you is your time to figure it out because it's, like a open, last time I checked it, it was an open source simulator. That simulates network environments. Really, cool. It's actually free. Oh, is it not free anymore software that empowers it free download.

It's not free. It looks like it's not free. It. Why is this site all fancy now? Oh man.  they do this. They put it out for free for a while. Wire shark used to be free too. I think I wanna say NEIS it was even free at one time. Yeah. Look, how many people use this? Anyway, so you download GNS three and it's a virtualized network and you can literally set up a little it's so cool.

Like it's this is one of another, one I like to do like a demonstration of it's really, cool. It allows you to configure log in and configure routers and switches and. Messing around with routing protocols and all kinds of stuff is really cool. So yeah, I would, that would be my advice to you is if you're going for a security plus a H C I S P and you're trying to get into this field, especially if you don't have experience, create a lab, put it on your laptop, start messing around with it.

So you can then start to understand the inner workings of it. All right. Next question. Dru says, Bruce, in your opinion, what is the most, what is a acceptable salary range for a new is SM or is O so it really depends. That's a great question. By the way, it really depends on where you're at in the United States.

And here's why I say that because if we type in ISO pay scale ISO pay scale, watch. It's gonna it's they have a price range, but it really depends. What you'll notice is it depends on what area you're in and it also depends on what, clearance you have, what's the organization. What you're seeing here is, typical of somebody with experience one 30 and these are in Colorado, California, and cer and I think this is Connecticut.

What I wanna see is the actual pay scale. Here it is. So the national average is over a hundred thousand dollars, $56 an hour. That's the national average. Now what this doesn't factor in, I don't think is how many years of experience the person has or if they have other additional certifications or things like that.

National average, that's pretty good for a national average. If you think about it, cuz that takes into account. All the way, the high, the highest level of pay down to the lowest levels of pay. Let me see, if I can find some more. Okay. The national average in Colorado, where I'm at the average is about one twenty three, a hundred twenty 3000.

And that's about right. That's about right. And independent on how much more experience you have. It'll be more. And I could tell you that if you're in the Virginia area, this is low, like 100. Is low, but I, would say it's around this. This is about right. For somebody starting off from scratch, you might come in lower.

If you've, if you have zero experience with it and you're coming in off like maybe you had some experience in the military or something like that. I, could tell you my first job outside the military as an ISSO I had a bachelor's degree, but I didn't have the required certifications.

They required a CI S P at the time. And I didn't have one. So what they did was they just brought me in and said, look, you have X amount of time to get a, cert this certification. Can you do it? I said, yes. So they hired me at 60, 60,000, 62,000, something like that, but which was very low. And, but keep in mind that this was how many years.

Damn. It's been a long time. 10, 15 years ago. It was like 15 years ago. So 10 years ago that's quite a bit of wild that's dang, 2004, 2006. Damn. That was a long time ago. 14 years ago. Wow, man. Time flies, anyway. Yeah, that was like 14 years ago. It's obviously the price has gone up so 70 between, okay.

Let me give you a range. If you are a new, is. A new information system, security manager or information security officer will say, officer first, cuz manager is different. Manager's a whole different range. Let's say an information system, security officer. The range is between, I wanna say depends on where you are in the United States, but I wanna say it's gonna be between about 70 and a hundred.

That's about right. For a new person. Now keep in mind. They know your value, especially once you start getting those certifications. So what you wanna do is no matter what they're paying you, when you get in, get a certification, a security plus a, CI S P a CI S a C risk get some sort of I would highly recommend a professional level security, cert like a CASP, a CI S P a C risk, a CIS, a one of those.

Not easy search by the way. And they do cost you, but once you get that, yeah you'll, be over. You'll be able to switch to another position, new job, somewhere as an ISSO that, or they'll pay you to stay and you'll be able to make over 115, at least 115 or, more. So that should answer that question.

Now you also ask a question about CI SM, which is a different position. CI SMS are usually the supervisors of a CI. C I S O a is SS O man I'm slipping. So an is SM is usually a manager of an is S O so let me show you what I'm talking about here. Managers are usually gonna make a little bit more cuz they're managers, but let's see if I'm not lying to you.

See if I can find the average of a okay. It's not coming up here. I don't know why. Oh, is he trying to search just in Colorado? What is up with that? Okay, let me go back one to see if I could find the average okay. Keeps wanting to search in Colorado USA or what I'm doing is I'm on zip recruiters and I'm looking at their, they've got a, like a little breakdown.

of this. So actually let's let's get outta this. Let's go, back to Google and find another management position. I, guess it's lumping it right in with ISS O okay. And actually the saying is lower for some reason that's inconsistent. Oh, okay. The No, This is saying it's a little bit lower.

That's weird. Which I don't think is correct because a ISSM is a manager, typically, especially in the federal government they, have two different positions. Like one is ISS, M will usually be over ISS OS and they'll usually be the person who signs for the, is S O and manages the ISO's work. So they usually make more, it's usually like a management type.

so that is that's incorrect. I would say is probably in more in the range of one 20 to one 40 and on up. So for an ISSM man glass door is even saying it's lower. That's not been my experience. Oh, okay. No glass door saying the average. For an ISSM is one 20. Yep. So there you go. That, was my guess would be more like one 20.

It is up the scale goes up like 10,000, something like that, just cuz you can see here that they're saying that the, average low on the low end is about 67 to 80. And all the way up to $290,000 is insanity. But yeah, so that's about right. 1, 1 20 is what I was saying. ISSM is gonna make, okay. Let me see if there's any other questions here.

I got some folks watching the stream here, watching the podcast, listening to the podcast. VMware GNS three are, golden for learning. Yeah. Apple work. Yeah, for sure. Okay, let me see if there's other questions. I have so many questions popping up on TikTok. It's very, active for questions. Somebody called me a scam.

It's free stuff. I give away, man. I don't know what people are thinking to be honest with you. Which is the best path for an at home job jobs only. Okay. So somebody asked me, I've had this question before, what are the best jobs? For at home jobs, remote work, what are the best, I guess it jobs, information, system, security, officer jobs.

Information security, cyber security type jobs, or it jobs for work from home these days after COVID I would've had a different a different thing to say about this, but these days mostly. Let me put it to you this way. I can tell you what jobs are, not compatible with remote work.

Let me start from there because nowadays you can do so many jobs, remotely and, more organizations and employers are now more open to remote work, which is I've been doing this before. COVID so it was a lot harder to get remote work before this. Anyway Jobs that are not conducive to remote work would be classified positions.

In my opinion, in my experience if, you're in a classified environment, if you're trying to get work at a especially if it's secret and above it's, harder to have a hundred percent remote. Normally what they'll do at, the most they'll have a a flex position.  flex hours are flex.

I can't remember what they call it, but basically it's like a hybrid That's what they call it. So they'll say, okay, two days out of a week, you can be at home. And then the other three days out the week work of the work week, you have to be at the site or two days are vice versa, like two days on the site and then three days off site.

So they'll do stuff like that. But see, the thing is you have to.  There, you have to be on site a lot of times to do the site, the security stuff the, classified stuff. But that being said there's, actually some people like a friend of mine, really good friend of mine. He was telling me about how there's this innovative new technology where you can actually do even classified work from home jobs.

So even that is gonna be work from home more and more and I'm talking about all the way up to Ts and he, once he explained to me how that's done I was, my mind was blown. I was like, holy crap. That makes sense. But anyway, most of those jobs right now are normally you can't do those remotely.

Another one that's deceptive are jobs where you have to travel a lot. The problem with those is they'll say, oh, it's a hundred percent remote, but. You're traveling so much that doesn't even matter, like some of the consulting and some of the professional services jobs, they require you to go on site.

If, they, if it's over, I'll put it to you like this. If the travel is over, if it's over 50%, then you're gonna be traveling a lot because you gotta factor in. Probably add another 20% for the travel days. Yeah. So if it's over, if it's 50 if it's even close to 50%, that is CR that is a lot of travel.

Like you, I, cuz I did a job like that and I was constantly on the road and the only time.  I think mine was 60 to 75% travel. I was never home. I was never home. would come home for the weekend and then I was off again, like I'd have a three day weekend and I'd be traveling for the rest of the week. So it was brutal, man.

It was work from home, but I just, I was traveling all the time. So if it's any of those jobs and normally the other one I would say, okay, so we talked about classified jobs. Normally those are on site or some kind of a hybrid.  Those are changing, but most of the jobs are you're gonna have to go on site.

The other one would be consulting where you're traveling a lot, cuz you have to go to all these different places. And then the other one would be if they really want you to have FaceTime with the customer. And that usually requires being on site, those off the top of my head, the ones that out of all the ones I've been offered that I've worked at personally, that's been my experience.

But if you guys can name any other places where it's pretty much, you have to be on site field text. That's another one that one's not gonna be well it's it says it is gonna, it can be remote, but you're traveling so much that it might as well not be remote cuz you're never home. Yeah.

Hope that answers your questions. Most jobs off the top of my head. Cyber, a lot of cybersecurity jobs can be done remotely. Remote administration, you can do system administrator jobs, a lot of those remotely. You can do networking a lot of those networking jobs, remotely configuring firewalls, monitoring traffic.

A lot of those you can do remotely. Just name something. Most of 'em you can do remotely. It really depends on the organization. So just keep that in mind. Okay. Let me keep going.  okay. Somebody said it is back on the topic here. Somebody said it is difficult to to impossible to get a fully remote. There is zero chance that I would work and take the added risk of doing classified work remotely.

Yeah. So the technology that was in place was it was like a virtual machine, nothing stored on your computer, basically. It's you're seeing, it's like you're seeing images. Like your whole desktop and everything is just images that you're seeing. But the, risk for me is that if you're in your house, you've got things like you've got other what if your daughter is on the phone over here?

And they have their phone they're on speaker phone and you happen to be doing a you're on a secure line on. System and you're doing classified work and then they can hear what you're saying, so there's a possibility of a security incident because it got leaked to somebody. I don't know.

There's just I'd be nervous about it myself to be honest with you Dru says after C or it travel jobs still plentiful. Yes. I know the go.  in the government for the government. It has slowed down quite a bit. Yet there's still a lot of travel jobs, but you're right. There's a lot of customers and clients.

And the last job I worked at without giving too much away last job I worked at I I was a, consultant. I was a cyber security consultant and we would, our biggest part of, one of the biggest part of our jobs is that we would have, we'd have all these assessments and we would. To a site.

We, we would go to the site and we'd do physical assessments and we'd do wireless assessments. You have to be on the site for those. So we would go there and sit down with the facility manager and ask them, que interview them and then walk around the facility and all this kind of stuff. And then you'd do a report like you say, okay you're good here.

Good. Here you have a checklist, all that kind of stuff. But a lot of clients were like, nah, you can't come to our site or you can come to this site, but you can't come to this site. So you have a point because of COVID travel has been. Restricted, but there is, it's starting to open up quite a bit lately.

Like right before I left, they were opening things up. Like it, it was opening up like crazy because Mo most places in the us are opening up with the exception of there's a few places. Like we had some overseas places that were still pretty, pretty locked down, pretty tight.

Exactly skiffs are skiffs for a reason.  yeah. Okay. Let me see if I can answer if there's any other questions here. Tons of questions and interactions on TikTok. I'm really surprised about TikTok. Somebody asked me, okay, this is a good question. Couple questions that are related. Somebody asked me if they can do cyber security at age 30 and another person asked me if they could do it at age 45.

And I would say. As a matter of fact, cybersecurity lends itself to a more mature minded person. Because you have to do a lot of interaction. As a matter of fact, like this career field is pretty old.  I don't say so myself, but the last place I worked at I wasn't the youngest guy, but I I'm pushing 50 man.

Like I, I, wasn't the youngest guy there and.  so I was not the youngest or the oldest guy there. So it, this career path needs more mature people because you're dealing with pretty heavy, issues. And you're having to talk to, you have to have the maturity, the emotional intelligence to talk to high level, cyber security CISOs and C level execs and stuff.

And then you gotta be able to switch gears and then talk to a technical.  and because of that, it lends itself to a more mature type of person who can handle, stress and not freak out. And who've been around the block enough to know, okay. Yep. Don't worry. Like we got this and not panic.

So you need somebody with a cool hand. And a lot of times even me, I've been doing this for 20 years, but August school, like the last place I worked at, there were, so there were people there who were masters at this and I'm like, I man, these guys were running circles around me. I thought I was pretty good at presentations and stuff, man they were killers.

They just like something bad would happen. Something horrible in cyber security. So many bad things could happen that we're in the business of preventing bad things from happening to your assets. Something would happen and the client would lose their damn minds and they'd be a younger.

Who can't handle any kind of pressure and they freak out and they they'd freak out and then have another person, like my mentor, who was at that job, that person would just be calm and just calm them down. Just talk 'em off the ledge, negotiate with them. And then next thing you know, they're no longer holding hostages like they were.

So good at speaking to cus clients and customers, and that level of maturity is, really necessary. Yeah, 45, like as long as you can get the concepts down, as a matter of fact if you don't wanna do another two years of if you don't want to sit down and do two years of learning all this new it, you could actually do something like a program.

Project manager is actually a really great position for an older person. Project manager is. Compliance the stuff I'm doing something like that. Something where you're not super like in the weeds, technically, because there's a lot going on with like firewalls are constantly evolving and changing.

And like a web technology is constantly evolving, changing, and man, to keep up with the server technology it's constantly going constantly moving constantly and you're having to constantly hit the books and stuff. So that could be. As you get older, you have all this other stuff going on in your life.

Whereas youngsters they're just now coming in and taking on new responsibilities. So the work is everything for them. They don't have maybe they have one kid or something, but they don't have necessarily grandkids or five kids or whatever, so they have, they can devote more of their time to this learning this new technology and stuff.

But if you, I would highly recommend especially if you're older,  you already have done two or three different career paths and you're doing this so you can retire and, live a simpler life. Man I would recommend project management get P and, also it really needs more mature people like people who can handle pressure and not freak out people who are calm as a cucumber, this calm, this, and they can just work in any environment because they've, seen some. So they got that, that thousand yard stairs. We used to call it in the military. They've seen some shit so older people like, yeah, I, it is, you could definitely do this as an older person. All right. I think that's it guys.

Thanks for watching. I've been talking for about 30 minutes. I'm gonna try to do more like one offs like this, instead of just doing 'em once a week more Podcast. And if you're interested in hearing a lot more, cuz I actually post more stuff on on audio go to combo or checking the link description below and you'll have more access to all the stuff that I put out.

In some old podcasts I've been posting. All right guys, that's it for this one. Thank you so much. De truth. Thank you. S V T. Thanks for all the questions on TikTok.


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