Friday Sep 02, 2022
ConvoCourses Podcast: National Cyber Workforce and Education Summit
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Two one and we are live. Okay. I've got some urgent stuff to let you guys know about. That's why I decided to just go ahead, go live. So I'm on live. This is a podcast combo course podcast. First of all, my name is Bruce and I do this once a week. At least lately. I've been doing these a little bit more and I wanted to tell you guys about this national cyber workforce and education summit that happened on July last month.
And it's a bunch of free training for entry level cyber security people. And I thought that this was important enough that I should let you guys know what's going on. So if you guys did know my name is Bruce, what I do is cyber security training and also help people to get into this career. If you're interested in this, follow me on YouTube, tons of free information, tons of free stuff out there.
All of this is not paid. I'm just trying to help people out. That's the name of the game for me? I'm good. My life is good. I'm just trying to help y'all other people out. And that's what this is all about. So what this is gonna be is a breakdown of some of the free training that's out there.
Right now. For you guys the, a couple of these things are really exciting. A couple of 'em are really amazing and let's just get right into this. All right. So this is all coming from a summit that happened. so let me back up a little bit. So the white house is pushing some sort of initiative to fill a bunch of slots.
There's a huge shortage of cyber security people. There's something like seven over 700,000 cyber security positions that are open. And it's due to a lot of things it's due to people retiring it's due to people getting out of this career path. And they just can't retain people and there's a huge need for cyber security.
So they put together this initiative to pull more people in teach people and they pulled in all these other organizations to do that. So you've got everything from the private sector to different departments within the department of defense that are promoting this. and all of the stuff I'm about to tell you is coming directly from the white house dot coms white house, white house.gov.
I'm sorry, not white.com white house dot govs briefing that they did in July. So this is a bunch of free training, a bunch of job jobs and all kinds of opportunities. If you're interested. like I said, a lot of this is free. Let's start off with department of labor and commerce. So department of labor and commerce is doing 120 day cyber security apprenticeship.
And this is already started. So if you are interested in this, you gotta go to this. now you can either Google this right now, or you can go to combo courses.com where I have put all this slide deck with all of these links that I'm about to show you are on my site. So if you're interested in that, just go to combo courses, or you can just go to Google and type, and then Google what I'm saying, but if you're interested, you just go to convo courses.com and this is free to sign up and then you'll just download.
You'll download the slide deck from here, and then it'll have all of the, all the stuff that I put together on this thing. And alternatively, you can just type in national cyber workforce education summit, and then all the actual stuff is there minus the links, because I did extra research to get these.
All right. Let's start off with us department of labor and commerce. They have 120 day apprenticeship. So if you're trying to get your foot in the door with cyber security, this is one of the ways that you can do it. This is a golden opportunity. If you're actually an it person, you, or actually you might even be able to switch from another occupation to get into cyber security with an apprenticeship.
Yeah. So this is getting you actual experience. Now you've gotta go to the site and register. They've so far have 714 registered apprenticeship programs and they're accepting people and for a little bit, so go ahead and sign up for that. This is a part of a huge initiative from the us government to actually get more people trained up and get people in these positions that they really need.
So that's, what's happening right now with this So that's the us department of commerce. And like I said, if you want this slide deck that I have, if you wanna see all this stuff, you can download this on combo courses.com. Actually, if you are watching me on YouTube, it's in the link in the description below.
If you are watching if you're listening to this on podcasts, go to combo courses.com. Look for Look for convo courses online. It's a bunch of free stuff that I post out there. Downloadables all my slides are there. Look for that slide deck. This slide deck that I'm showing right now, but let me, let's go to the next one other opportunities out there.
This is the apprenticeship apprenticeship.gov. If you happen to be following along type in apprent. Apprentice ship.gov. And that'll show you the countdown of days. They're saying there's 77 days as of this recording and 14 hours left for people to sign up for this apprenticeship. If you're interested in getting into cyber security and being trained in the next 120 days with the department of labor and the department of commerce, that's where this is coming from.
All right. So let's keep going to the next. Next one. Okay. Now this one right here is incredible. If you happen to be watching, listening to me right now this is not gonna last. This is not gonna last. So ISC squared. Okay. Let me explain. This is really important. ISC squared are the guys who do one of the top.
They do the top cyber security certification known as CI S S P. So these are the CI S P. So they just recently released a new certification, an entry level cyber security certification called certified in cyber. This is unprecedented because these are the top guys in the field. They're competing directly with security.
Plus with this one, what they're doing right now is they're giving this away for, they are given free training. This is a $200 training. This will not be free for long. This is a $200 training that you can take. I believe after you take the training, you can go ahead and take their test, here is the site right here. It's on ISE, two.org/certifications/cc. Or you can go to Google and type in certified in cyber security, ISC two, and then you'll find their certification this right here. Let me see if I got another slide on that. Yeah. They're saying. Okay. So first of all, this is the world's largest nonprofit association of certified cybersecurity professionals.
That's a fact. So they have the leading certification. In the world, which is the CI S P and they also have the the cap and several other large certifications, but those are probably the two top ones. This is huge. They are giving free training for this. And then you can go ahead and take this certification.
It's an entry level certification is brand new. Marketability. I'm not sure how marketable it is since it's totally new and people don't know what it is, but people will know what it is because ISC two is the biggest cyber security certification. The most world renowned cyber cert security certification organization in the world.
So if you get their certifications they have, they are just everybody respects 'em because they don't do shady stuff. Like some other organizations that I won't name. Okay. And I have certifications from them. Cert, I've got multiple certifications from them and I've been I get jobs very easily because of that.
Alright, so let's see. Let's keep going here. Okay, Accenture I don't know if I'm pronouncing this right, but they have a bunch of entry level professional certifications. If you are interested in that They here's the site right here. Here's what it looks like. But if you go to Accenture I believe it's accenture.com.
That's a C E N T U R E. For those who are listening on the podcast you'll see their entry level professional certifications. And they've because of this initiative, this push forward to actually advertise. Getting more people into cyber security. They said that they're committed to creating access to new roles in cyber security cloud and technical areas through apprenticeship and upscale programs.
So if you're interested in that, go ahead and check it out. Let's keep going here. We've got a ton of other ones. We've got an Institute for cyber security studies. These guys are offering. A bunch of training for executive education programs. If you're interested in that, I'll keep going. If you're interested in getting the links, I've got links to each one of these training courses.
So this is not necessarily entry level, this one's for executives and board of directors and stuff. So that doesn't really apply to the people I'm talking to. So let's keep going with this. Okay. So Auburn universities. They have a program as well. That's has an in they're helping with this initiative to get more people into cyber security.
So you can check that one out. There's the link right there. If you're interested in that, go to combo courses.com and you can find that in in this slide deck that I'm showing right here, all of the links are there. There's lots and lots of details there. That's why I'm just gonna go ahead and give you the links and.
And find all this information that I'm showing you here, but this is where the link is at. You go to convo courses.com four slash courses, four slash cybersecurity, and you'll find it here. Alternatively, you can go to the actual site where all this stuff is at it, it won't have all my research.
I did extra research to show you like where all the news feeds are, where the actual sites are where where you can sign up for this stuff. You won't have that you'll have to do your own research, but if you go to if you go type, go to Google and type in national cyber workforce and education summit, you'll find everything that I'm talking about here.
That's where I got all this information from. Okay. Let's keep. We talked about ISE squared. We talked about Centura. We talked about a couple of universities. Let's keep going. Let's go to Cisco. So Cisco is also ha also has this initiative where they're pushing they're given a bunch of training to college and co colleges, including 107 historically black colleges and universities, the H HBCUs.
They're doing a huge push. Here's a, an image of their site. Trying to get more people into cyber security workforce, cuz as there's 700,000 vacancies in cyber and I can vouch for this I'm in this field and I'm telling you, they try to put four and five hats on us and we're having to do all this extra work cuz there's not enough people to do this work.
It's really a huge problem. And so there, I'm glad that. That they're actually trying to pull more people in, but now Ciscos in on it, they're trying to pull more people in. They're trying to get more education out there and get more people in the workforce. So let's keep going here. Comp Tia. So comp Tia has a partnership with connect wise.
And if you go to their site right now, if you go to their news feed, you'll see this right up top, where they're trying to get more people into this field by merging with ConnectWise and getting an it apprenticeship out there. Some of these things that I'm gonna show you by the way are in the works, they haven't actually started yet, but some of 'em are like already ongoing.
You can literally sign up right. And and apply for these and get into the apprenticeships. If this is, if I were you like, if the position that I'm seeing. Is, if you happen to be a help desk person, if you happen to be in a field where you do a little bit of tech, but you're trying to level up, this is actually perfect for you.
This is absolutely perfect for you. Now, if you happen to be in a completely other field, some of this may help you out the ISC two squared, I think is a huge one to, to try to do in these are entry level cyber securities thing. This is unprecedented. This is amazing. I'm glad that there.
This push for this field because it really needs it. But if you are brand new to cybersecurity, if you trying to get into this field, like people keep asking me over and over again on TikTok, on YouTube, on Instagram, everybody all over the place, trying to get from where they're at to cyber security. This right here, this certification, this ISE two squared certified in cybersecurity.
If you go to IC two square.org I actually it's is. two.org. You go there. You will see this assert a new certification called CC. And this is for entry level cyber security people. Let's keep going. Where were we let's see scrolling down, going to CompTIA. Okay. We just talked about CompTIA Lincoln description below.
If you happen to be watching me on YouTube, if you happen to be watching, listening to this on podcast a little bit later or live, then you can actually download all this stuff I'm talking about on my site com convo courses.com go to that site, and you will see that in in. What is it? Combo courses.com/courses/cybersecurity.
And then there's a downloadable that has all the links that I'm showing you here. It's called national cyber workforce and education summit. This is from all from a summit that happened on the, on July in July, just last month. All right, let's keep going. We already talked about compt. Image of the comp Tia newsroom.
If you go to comp tia.org and check out their press release, you will see exactly what I'm talking about here. So I just gave you several links that you can either go to Google and type it. You can go directly to the site such as comp tia.org, and look at the news feed and then find this find this right here.
This initiative, there's a push towards getting people apprenticeships with ConnectWise. Okay, let's keep going here. There's a couple other good ones here. I'm gonna just go straight to the good ones. You've got several organizations that are pushing towards this several universities as well, that are pumping lots of money and initiatives into getting more and more people into cyber security, such as Dakota state university they're highlighted.
90 million investment for cyber research and initiatives to support multi-party public private partnerships funding to get more people into cyber security and their goal is to get more people in cyber sciences over the next five years. Okay. So there's that initiative? IBM has a push towards getting is announcing that the education initiative.
That's gonna help the vet department of building and affairs. Couple of other organization and HB cus to provide no cost, zero cost stem training. For us military veterans, newer divergent learn learners and university students from underrepresented communities. So this is really impressive that they're actually reaching out and trying to pull more people in from all over the whole spectrum of the United States.
That's really cool. Okay. So Linox foundation had a good one as well. Now you gotta check this one out. This is one of the better ones. I don't know that I have many left that are as good as this one, but check this out. So Lennox foundation, they actually. And I think this is for a limited time only they have 15 hours of free software, secure software training programs.
Here is the link right here. If you wanna get that link, I already told you where the link is. If you happen to be watching me on YouTube, you can actually click the link. It'll take you directly to where you can download this slide, presentation that you're looking at right now that I'm describing on this podcast.
And you can download or get this, download this, and then click this link and it'll take you to this free. Developing secure software or alternatively go to Google. If you're lazy, go to Google type in Lenox foundations space, free secure software training, and I'm sure it'll lead you there, cuz this is active right now.
Look at this. This says enroll today. Cost zero. All of these are not gonna be zero for long, right? That's why I decided to do this live because. This stuff is limited. Like CC. ISC two is limited. I don't think that course is gonna be free forever. And then this one develops secure software is not gonna be free forever.
It's gonna go up to 200 or 100. Whatever the price is gonna be on this thing. Okay. So let's see night dragon is also doing some initiative. I already checked on this one. This one's not out yet. I don't think they have announcements and stuff, but I didn't see, I seen where you can sign up for it.
I didn't see a place where it's actually active yet, but I could be wrong. So go ahead and check that one out. This one's active in power will offer skill development courses and free it training and credentials to military connected individuals, as well as young adults from underserved and underrepresented communities.
That means if you are from a socioeconomic poor place. Like myself, this is gonna help you out. So you can literally apply here. Here's a little bit more news here for it. If you are happen to be listening to me, just go to Google type in power.org. And you'll find it. You'll find that site.
And I think that's it. The last thing I wanted to talk to you guys about is Booz Allen Hamilton. Now, I don't know if this is in direct relation to the, this push to get more cyber security people in this, but. It's matching what we're talking about. And right here, it's just saying that Booz Allen Hamilton starts entry level cyber security staffers at $150,000.
This is entry entry level, cyber security staffers, up to $150,000. Now, if you happen to be in it right now, if you happen to have a security. Hell. If you don't have any certifications and you happen to be an it person, this is something I would definitely look into. Now. I gave you some links here, or if you happen to be listened to me, go to Booz Allen Hamilton, just type in Google, go to Booz Allen Hamilton, go to their career section and put your resume right in their.
and then look for these cyber security jobs. I would just put your resume right in their site, because sometimes they'll reach out to you. If you do that. If, and if you happen to be watching this on YouTube, you can actually look in the link description below, sign up for free, and then go to Booz Allen Hamilton careers.
And the link is here. And then go ahead and sign up for this. That's all I wanted to say guys. That's it for this. I just wanted to, this was urgent because some of these things are gonna expire soon. Like some of these free items are gonna actually expire soon. Like this Lennox foundations, this one's really, this is a good one.
If you happen to be into doing development of code and you want to jump into this this is absolutely free. And then the other one that I'm the most exciting one to me, cuz I know this is this. This could possibly compete directly with security plus, I don't know. It depends on they market it and stuff, but this certified and cyber security entry level secur cyber security certification.
This is, this has a potential to be really good to where they'll add it to things like the DODs 81 40. They could probably add it there and compete directly with the security plus, we'll see how this goes, but I would, if it's free it's right now, it's free. Go to ISC two.org and look for this certification.
It's called a CC certification. I would go ahead and try it. If you're entry level. All right, I'm gonna take a few questions and then I'm gonna end this thing. I just wanted to, that was the main thing I wanted to talk about. So if you have any questions on I've got some, I might have some questions on TikTok or have some questions on YouTube.
Let me see. I've got one question here. Let me see. Moncho says we will need to know basic it will we need to know basic it. Cover a plus or can anyone just go in it and get training and learn? This is actually a really good question. So it depends on the thing that I have, all this lists I'm seeing here, there's a couple that are completely like, you can come in cold.
Yeah. This one right here. So this one right here is fast pace free. This one's designed specifically for people who are just, who are absolutely brand new. Let's check it out. Let's check it out. I don't wanna lie to you. So I'm gonna go to ISD two square live, and we're gonna, we're gonna go through this one together.
And for those who are just listening, I'll explain what we're looking at. So mantra asked me if this ISE two square. CC certification is for anyone like, can somebody who's coming in from nursing. Could they actually jump into this one and just start, let's see, they said it's entry level.
So that's what they're, it's not only entry level, but it's tailored towards people who are brand new in this thing. So let me see. So right now I'm on the SC ISC two.org certification CC site. So that's what we're looking at. And we're looking through it. Let's see introduc introducing the ultimate starting point for an, let me see for an exciting career certified in cyber security.
So they're doing their little. Spiel here to get us to get in here, take the first step in reward in a rewarding career to get your, and get your certified cyber security for ISC two square. The world's leading cyber security. Okay. They're promoting themselves. Let's get to the meat of this. Like what does the candidate need becoming an ISC two candidate.
Did you know that you can now join ISC two squared and become fully certified? Okay. Now we know we. We have recently launched a candidate. Okay. Which allows anyone studying for a certification or interested in a career in cyber security to join association. So this doesn't have any prerequisites. It looks like to me, that's what it looks like to me.
So qualifi, a qualifications, Pathfinder. Okay. Here it is right here. Unsure. If CC is right for you. Let's. let's see, we're gonna look at their Pathfinder that basically breaks down the path that they expect you to have to get this to get this. Let's see what is the best cyber security qualifications for you?
Anyone cyber security journey or career journey is everyone's cyber ski. If I could read is. And it could, it can be difficult to navigate through all the certifications opportunities which, okay. So you're still not telling me they want us to sign up. I bet. Okay. Pathfinder, we make it easy to discover.
You should go to the site yourself. If you're interested in this, you should go to as follow along with me, ISC two.org/certifications slash. Qualification Pathfinder right now they say, start your journey. And I believe they're gonna take me to a form. Okay. Nope. All right. Let's see. Are you interested in pursuing a cyber security certification for your team?
It's asking me some interactive questions to see, to determine if this is for me, I'm interested in pursuing a certification myself. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna answer this, like I'm brand new, like I'm coming out of a whole nother career. Which of the following best describes your current cyber security goals?
Okay. I would like to start in cyber security career, but unsure where to start. I'm currently working in it with security responsibilities. Okay. Nope. That's not us. I currently work in cyber security. Nope. I'm interested in specializing. Nope. I work in a note that's security role or a, it. I would like to demonstrate my knowledge of various risk frameworks, not what the hell I would I work for and pursuing cyber security job in the government, which or with contractor requirements, specific specifications, I work with healthcare industry in which to pursue cybersecurity.
Okay. This might be it right here. This might be it right. Let me see. I currently work in cybersecurity. Okay. This one, right? This one is for somebody going from healthcare industry. And this one is I would like to start cybersecurity career, but I'm sure where to start. Let's just get this one that's general enough.
Okay. Next one is saying, looking to start cyber security career, but unsure where to. , you're not alone. Many people are interested in cyber security, but they are unsure where to begin their journey. Okay. Select the option that describes you. I have worked in it. No, that's not me. I am a student studying computer science.
Nope. I would like to start cyber cybersecurity career, but have no or very little security or it experience. This is us. Okay. Now let's see if it says, get the hell outta here. This is not for you. Let's. Get certified in it. Okay. Lacking work experience is not a problem. Look at this. See, moncho this answers your question.
Lacking it. Lacking work experience is not a problem. The new certified and cybersecurity entry level certification is perfect for you. The certification is a pilot is a pilot form at this time, and it is an ideal next. For those interested in this field, like you learn more now this, I think this is where it's gonna ask me my name and social security number and firstborn child and all that kind of stuff.
Nope, it didn't okay. If I want more information, I'm gonna have to look at this free train. Look at this is what I'm talking about. Free training right here. Get free training for a limited time. Since this is new, they're trying to promote it by giving it to letting people use it for free. But it's, they're saying it's a $200 value.
That means it's probably gonna go up to $200 once day. And these courses are not cheap. All right. So if I want to download a breakdown of what's on the test and everything and how to train for it and everything you, I think this is where I would have to give them my email address and they put you on like a mailing list and stuff like this.
It's pretty in unintrusive. You know how some of these mailing lists are very like aggressive. I see two squares, not like that. But anyway, you would sign this stuff and then it would give you a breakdown of what domains are on the test and. More details about the actual test itself. This is a really good, I'm really glad that they did this.
This is a really smart move. I really hope the certification does well. It really depends on how much traction it gets. And so that's why I think they're giving the training away for free. So moncho, I hope that answers your question about this one. It looks like if you have no experience at.
They're doing an entry level certification. They're trying to compete with comp Tia, cuz comp Tia is right now, the premier it entry level certifications that you, that people are using. And it's the, if you get a help desk job, a lot of times they'll ask you, Hey, do you have a plus certification?
If you have no degree or whatever, or sometimes when you have a degree, it doesn't matter. They were like, Hey, do you have an a plus certificate? Cuz it's just that marketable. But now they're trying to compete with that. and then they're trying to get in that space where Google support it. Certifications are starting to become real popular as well.
So now ISE two, that's a really smart move, I think. All right guys, that's it for me. Thank you for listening. Thank you for watching. I really appreciate it. I'm gonna be restream this stuff on my podcast is on it's on pod beam dot convo courses. Now convo courses dot pod beam.com. If you happen to be li watching me on YouTube it's there I'm live streaming it right now, but I'm gonna re-release it for those who might have missed this one.
And that's it. Thank you so much for listening. Thanks for your questions. Thanks for watching. I will talk to you guys later. Pace.
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