Friday Sep 16, 2022
ConvoCourses Podcast: What You need on the cybersecurity resume
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Hey guys, this is Bruce and welcome to combo courses, podcast. This is gonna be a short one. I just wanted to talk to you guys about cyber security, it jobs, resume marketing. Now we talked about this the last time we did a live podcast, but I wanna talk about it again and go a little bit greater detail.
And my purpose here is to help people to know what to put on the resume to actually get a job in cyber security. Cuz a lot of people are asking me questions about like, Hey Bruce, you know, I'm, I'm in it. Like what, what do I, I'm trying to get a level up in my job. I'm trying to make more money. Like what do I do?
So I'm about to tell you exactly what I do on my resume. As matter of fact, I'm gonna go into pretty good detail about. And I'm gonna show you where you can get your own resources on how you can figure this stuff out. Now, this is what you're seeing here on the screen. If you happen to be watching me, if you happen to be listening, I'll explain everything.
I'm writing a book called cyber security jobs, resume marketing, and it's gonna be a series of books. That's gonna break down exactly how to target, what category of cyber security you want, cuz it's a pretty big field and it breaks down into all these different parts. And then it's gonna talk about how to actually market yourself, how to get the keywords, how to find those keywords in that targeted market, and then put those in your resume and then how to actually write an impact, an action statement bullet in your resume.
That's very powerful and it's been working for me for years. This is stuff I learned from the military when I was getting out and also just from experience, just like doing this stuff myself. So let me just get down to what I'm talking about. now what, what you should do if you have any it experience is you've gotta put what you've done on there.
As far as your cyber security, like what, and if you've done it more than likely you've done cyber security, you just didn't know it. And so I, I have evidence of that. Let me show you evidence of that. So what I do is security compliance and in security compliance, we have to know a lot of security controls are going into not only the information system, but the, the organization as a.
Meaning it's not just the actual system that you're locking down and putting, you know, very complex passwords or making sure it has audit logs or making sure there's a, a whole space firewall on it and stuff like that. And anti-virus, and all those are all security controls that you're probably familiar with.
If you've ever done any of those things, guess what you you've done cybersecurity, and you need to put it in your resume. So in this book, what I'm gonna do is tell you not only what keyword to put in there and where to find those keyword, but also how to word it, how to word it and explain how you, how you participated, how you conducted and enabled configurations for security controls.
In secure, in in security compliance, I'm very familiar with all of the rules and all the security controls and one of the actual compliance. frameworks that I use is N 800, but there's many others. There's HIPAA. There's PCI compliance. There's some of 'em are just laws that kind of briefly explain what you can and can't do.
Some of 'em are in very great detail, like N 801 of 'em is called a CIS security control. So I use that one as an example in my book, cuz it's just a perfect it's it's perfect for what I'm trying to show you because N 800 is just, has it has over a thousand controls so that one wouldn't be, it wouldn't be right for this particular book.
Like if I I'm writing a spec, a book about that one or I'm breaking it down differently. And I actually have written, written a book on that one already, but I'm, I'm writing another, a whole series of books just on this 800 and how you can use it practically. But for the purposes of getting your work experience in what I do is I tell you, okay, here's how you put it in.
Here's the format you use. That's going to help you. To get your resume in front of more people, it's called an ATS style resume. Here's how, here's how the date should look. Here's how it should look when you put your position in here's how all of that stuff's in here. But more importantly, what I do is, and there's some misspellings in here because I have, I've gotta edit it and I'm actually working on that now, but just kind of took a breather and, and took a break so I can show you guys what I'm doing here.
So what I wanna show you that's important is let me see, I'm getting down. Oh, here it is right here. So here, if you could see my screen, these are all the controls that, that are in the CIS security, critical security controls. This is also known as the sand. Sand's top best practice best security practices.
But these controls explain all the things that an organization needs to have in order to secure their system. If you've done any of these things as an it professional in your profession, any whatever profession you're in profession, you're in, you've done these things. You have done security and you need to put it on your resume.
You need to put it up front in your resume. So let me just go through a couple here to give you an example. So I'll pick a couple here. One is here's what's a good one. Let me see if you've done. Okay. Here's here's a good one. Here's a couple good ones. One is email. Well, we'll start with audit logs.
I like that one audit log management. If you've ever turn enabled audit logs, for example, if you've ever monitored audit logs, if you've ever. For EV any reason had to analyze the O audit logs. That's a security, that's a cybersecurity thing you gotta put on your resume. And audit logs. If you didn't know another name for it is event, event, viewer event logs, you know, different systems call it like slightly different names, but it's all, it means the same things.
It's the logs that are in the back end of the system. That's telling you if the system is shut down or if somebody is if somebody is attempted to log into the system, but it was logged in, in unsuccessfully or, or successfully or whatever those are logs, audit logs. Another thing we'll talk about is EV email and browser protections, email and browsers is probably one of the biggest threat vectors or biggest ways that, that attackers adversaries can actually infiltrate an organization.
Cuz email, think about it, fishing. Like when somebody sends a fake email with a clickable link and then, then somebody who doesn't know any better, they click on that link. And it takes into a malicious site that malicious site downloads something to their system. Yeah, that's, that's one of the main ways right now that's happening that that sites and organizations are getting infiltrated and web browser protection.
That's another one, everybody interfaces with the internet. Most of the 99% of their interactions with the internet is through a browser. So it's important that that browser is up to date. It's important that it has any extensions. Those are approved in extensions, things like that. Malware defense. That's another one.
This is like making sure you have anti-virus. So let me show you, how do you word these on your resume? How would you go about wording? So what I did was I broke each one of these sections down to explain how you word these on your resume. So let's go to the ones we just talked about. We'll go audit, audit, log, manage.
So what, first of all, explain what it is. Audit log management audit logs are gathered on servers, end user systems routers, and other systems to prevent to detect, prevent and understand possible security incidents on the enterprise. That's what they're for. It's not just for security. It's actually for maintenance as well.
So how could we word this? So one of the things we could say is that you ensured that audit logs were enabled in a mixed mode environment. Mixed mode means like you didn't have just windows, you had Mac and you had Linux or whatever. And you allowed detection of threats against assets against assets in cybersecurity.
Okay. This one, I, I have to reword this one. I did reword that one. So in my, my next draft, but let me, let me just give you another example. Conducted security, audit, log, an analysis to detect anomalies or. Abnormal events that might match adversarial tactics, techniques, and procedures that are in the Mir attack framework.
And the reason why I put these together, this, this sentence is, is very tactical because I put a whole bunch of keywords in here. They wanna see that, you know, the Mir attack framework. If you don't know what it is, go look it up. It's, it's really important to cyber threat intelligence. Whenever you do cyber threat intelligence, it's like a breakdown of different types of attacks.
And I'm sure most of these you'll be familiar with like, how do people infiltrate a, a network via a Trojan, a Trojan horse? How do they, how do they actually infiltrate? Mir talks about things like that. Mir talks about cross side scripting, Mir talks about escalation of privileges. It breaks all these things down and kind of gives, gives you an idea of the path that an attacker and adversary takes to get into a, a network.
And you use the terminology to, to. basically establish a pattern when, and this is really good for writing reports. It's really good for your resume. It's really good for articulating what kinds of threats and what kind of vulnerabilities you have to avoid within your organization? So this is a really good key word, and I see it all over things like if you're going for a cyber security analyst, Mighter you, you need to have that on your resume.
And then audit log analysis. This is another key word. So you can see that what I'm doing is I'm talking about, I'm given the action of what you did pertaining to cyber security. So if you've done it more than likely you you've done something with audit locks, you have to articulate that. So I give you several different examples here of how you can articulate and how you, how you can word your the, the bullets on your resume.
And I apologize for this. This is like a rough draft. I'm actually, I have another updated one that I I'm working on. On my other computer. So let me show you another one. And here's another one right here. This one doesn't even have bullets on it. This is showing you how I'm literally working on this as we speak.
So bear with me here. Let me just put some bullets on it. So it's clear to, to read. Okay. So this one is CI CIS control nine email and web browser protections. What is it? So it's protection of email and web browsers. And, and this has everything to do. What we talked about earlier, which is making sure that users are educated on things like social engineering.
What is it? How do you avoid suspicious emails and clicking and opening up things that you shouldn't open? Well, how do you put this on your resume? Cause more than likely you, if you've done it for some time, you have done something with this. Now keep in mind if you haven't done this before and you're trying to get into it.
If you're trying to get into cyber security, this is a great opportunity for you to. What you need to what experiences that you need to have, what things you need to study, because this is the kind of thing that employers are actually looking for. So let's just go through a couple of these. So one is updated signatures on enterprise antivirus software for proactive protection of 1500 endpoint devices and servers on the land.
So we've got a couple of really good keyword here. We're talking about anti-virus software, we're talking, we gave an, an impact. Now this is another thing you use numbers to establish the impact to your actions. Cuz it's one thing to have an action, but it's a whole another to actually show the impact of what you did so that the employer, when they're reading your resume, they're like, okay, this guy does know how to do antivirus, but wow.
They did 1500 InPoint devices. Okay, this person really knows what they're talking about. And another step you can do is actually name the actual software that you used. That's also a great tactic. Because a lot of times, like what I've noticed in right now, I'm, I'm actually interviewing for jobs and stuff and they keep asking me specifically, do you know semantic endpoint protection, because that was on my resume to keep asking about it and have I implemented it?
Have I maintained it? Have I configured it, all those kinds of questions. So you can name the actual anti-virus enterprise antivirus that you actually use, whether it's Soho or if it's semantic or, or, or AFF or whatever it is, you can name it. So that they'll know which one you're using. And that becomes a key word as well.
Let's see here set up DLP technologies like Proofpoint email. See this one. I'm I'm mentioning it. DLP and C a S B Microsoft information protection MI Microsoft security, suite defender. So I'm naming a whole bunch of, of, of, of tools here. Tools are also a are also a key word. So that's something that you should also mention on there.
Okay. Let's keep going. There's a couple of other ones here, but let's go to the last one here. Malware defense. Now this is most people who are in it have done this before. So if you've done this, you've gotta mention it on your resume. You've gotta put these security features. Anytime you've interacted with a security control, you have to put it on your resume.
Otherwise, the employer is not gonna know if what you've done. So, this is one of the main ones, and this is, most people have done this. If you've done it, you've put in, you've updated the antivirus software. You've, you've updated the signatures of the antivirus software. You've removed antivirus on there.
So you've gotta put it on your resume. And this one actually on my, I didn't actually put the, the breakdown of the, of bullets here, but it's on my, this will be in the book. So just stay tuned for this. I just, the reason why I decided to do this book, I took a, a kind of a respite from the risk management framework series because people kept asking me the same questions, the same questions over and over and over again about like, Hey Bruce, what do I put on my resume?
Like what, what do I, how can I get in? I've been doing this for 15 years. I'm working in a job. That's not, I'm not getting paid a lot, but I've been, I have 15 years of experience. And why am I not able to get six figures? Why am I not able to get a better. And then I look at their resume and they're not really talking about cyber security and I'm like, you wanna get a cyber security job, but you didn't mention cyber security on your resume.
And I'm like, you gotta put it on your resume. So they'll send me their resume. I'll take a look at it. And there's nothing on there that talks about cyber. So what I'll do is I'll just put it in some keyword and I'll say, look, this is the kind of stuff you have to do. And now I'm trying to put a book form where I can just give it, basically give it it away, cuz it's gonna be a pretty cheap book.
It's not gonna be expensive, but it's gonna help a lot of people out. So that's kind of what I'm going with this. And I'll I'll let me see if I can answer a couple questions here. I see a couple people join me. Thanks for watching. I appreciate you guys. I know this is not the normal time that I do this smooth virus says 1500 more like 150,000 yeah.
True. True. True. Okay. So let me, let me go to, I had some stuff open here. If it didn't crash on me. We have some questions. Let me see if I'll just answer like one or two. I won't to keep you guys too long here. And this'll, this'll actually be an audio file. If, if you didn't know, I have a, if you go to pod bean, right?
If you go to pod bean combo courses dot pod bean, that's where my actual podcast is, and I've been putting 'em out daily. So go ahead and check that out. There's a whole bunch of 'em that I, that I I hadn't released. So I've been releasing those ones in podcast. Let's see. Let me see if I can answer some relevant questions here.
Okay. Somebody saw, talked about the, the key challenge. I don't know if you guys knew this, but there's something's going on where people are stealing Kias using a USB cable Kia's in Hyundais, Hondas. I believe of a certain type it's called the Kia challenge. Look that up. It's pretty, especially if you have a Kia high Hyundai is what it is.
Kia or hi Hyundai. Let me see, see if I can answer some more questions here. It's mostly about the Kia challenge. Somebody asked me about my book. I probably need to respond to that one. Whoa. Okay. That should have been blocked. Okay. I'm gonna go to TikTok. Let's see if there's some questions here lately.
I've been getting a lot of questions on TikTok. And so I answer these one at a time directly usually, but let me see if I can answer at least one. Could I get into cyber security with just one year of help desk and one of these certs? Absolutely. You can. This is exactly what I'm talking about. So if you, if you have, if you've been on the help desk for a year, more than likely you have done cyber security.
So that's that's, this is exactly what I'm talking about. You have done cyber security before you just have to put it on your resume. If you put it on your resume you, you will. You will get hits. You will get people contacting you about this. And that's what this book is all about. Let me see if I can bring that up again.
Nine, which one? Which version? Okay. I've got so many. That's one. I write, I have a whole bunch of versions. I have a whole bunch of versions of my book where I'm, I'm constantly updating, updating the book and stuff. So let's see set up marketing. I tell you how to market. Once you create an awesome resume with loaded, with keywords and, and lots of action and impact statements, I show you how to market it.
And this is something that's been working for me for many, many years. I've been using the same thing. And what I didn't know that I was doing right is I was using the correct format for my resume. I didn't know until recently it's called ATS style resume, and it looks a little bit like this it's very plain.
It doesn't have any kind of, and that's the thing. My, I had a ugly resume. It's ugly and there's misspellings in my resume. somebody point I was in an interview and somebody pointed that out to me and said, Hey, you know that you have some misspellings here. And they were like, I don't care about that. But you, you know, you might want to fix that.
I was like, wow. And I still got that job by the way. It's crazy. Right. And it's because my resume's dope. My resume's really good. It's it's loader we keyword. It's it's highlighting all the security stuff I've done. This is what an ATS style resume looks like. It's just plain. It's just like, so this is what you'll do.
If you are help desk, you've been doing it for one year. You, you have to put ATS style, resume on your cyber security resume. And then you've gotta mention all the times you've done cyber security. You can't just talk about in uploading or installing windows. It's gotta be what security patches did you put on that windows device?
How did you help the organization reduce the risk? Stuff like that. And this is stuff that when you're in the weeds, when you're on the help desk, when you're, you're a system admin, when you are firewall, even firewall guys, sometimes they're not seeing the big picture of what's going on, which, which is making sure the security posture of the organization remains at a certain level, right?
They're not seeing the big picture, but you gotta put that big picture on your resume. And the way that you can pinpoint that is look at the actual security. Look at the actual security controls, the best practices, the CIS controls is one that's only one you could do PC. You could look at PCI, they have a breakdown of all the security controls, and they look very much, very, very similar to CIS N 800 is really exhaustive and it goes into super great detail and stuff.
You, you can also use those too. This one I found is like one of the best breakdowns, because it just gets right to the point there's only eight 18 controls, security controls in the CIS version eight. I think, I think version seven, the previous version has like 22 controls E either way. It's covering the same ground, all the best security practices.
And that's the stuff you gotta put in your resume. I'm gonna do another actual TikTok of this, where I break this down. And so, so we'll, we'll cover that in greater detail. Bark says I've got lots of work to do on my fed resume. Yeah, man, like this kind of stuff right here is what you wanna make sure you put on there, this kind of stuff right here, these things, if you've done any of these things, you gotta put it on your resume.
and my, my new book is gonna break down, like how you word it for each one of these controls. If you've done this before, give you an idea, like, okay, have I configured data recovery systems? Have I done that before? How do I word that in an, in an impactful way that shows that not only have I done it, but I impacted this organization, I helped them with their security bar says, by the way got your, your RMF book.
Was there a part one? There's a part one and a part two to the RMF books. So let me see if I can bring that up. The RMF book has a part one and a part two, and I'm actually working on a part three, but that's gonna, that, one's gonna take me a little longer, cuz it's, it's talking about SCA or security control assessments.
Let me show you. Okay. I'm gonna show you on two different platforms. I'm gonna show you on audible and then I'll also show you, cuz I've got an audible version of it. If you happen to be driving on your commute, you can actually just listen to it. Or if you happen to be jogging or something, listen to it.
If you wanna know more about risk management framework and the controls and how it's broken down and stuff like that. The other one is Amazon. Let me show you. So if you go to Amazon or you go to audible and you type in just R M F I I S S O and you will find my book, both books. R M F I S S O. Okay.
Let me just show you here. What I'm talking about here. It is an audible. You can listen to it right now. If you like. The one, the first one is very short. It's only like an hour long. It's a guide. It's an overview. Like if you were like wondering, like what is missed 800. If you are crazy enough to like, say, what is N 800?
Like this breaks it down in one hour, I break down like what, not only what is, is it is, but how do you actually implement it? How do you as an information system, security officer, I'm hidden it from that perspective, how you actually, how you actually implement it as a, a cyber security person. And then the next book goes into greater detail about the controls.
And what I do is I talk about like, here's, here's the controls and here's what you do in with each one of the control families. I don't, there's a thousand controls, so I don't go in all thousand controls. That'd be a super boring book. I also use practical. Things that have actually happened to me in each one of those families, not just happened to me, but happen to people.
I know things that are going, like I mentioned, the, the I don't know if you guys remember the, the colonial pipeline, where does that fit in with the risk management framework? Where does that fit in with security controls? I use real world example. So you can get an exam, a, an idea of what that control family really means.
So that that's the two books right there. One's four hours long. The second book is four hours long. So I, I think it's a really good, a really good book. I, I haven't seen anybody write it like that before. So where you are using practical stuff, and I'm kind of doing the same thing with the SCA book, the SSEA book, the SA book is going a lot deeper than I wanted.
I, it's kind of like when you write, sometimes the book goes in its own direction and that's kind of what's happening with SCA. It's just getting way longer than I thought I was gonna get. I'm trying to, I gotta chop it down a little bit. Let's see. Bruce helped me. Land a federal contract job in cyber security management, man, smooth, smooth virus.
I is, is the man. this person I know. I know personally. So the advice he gives you does work, man. It really, really does work. And I only, I only mention it because I've been doing it for years. It's, it's the same tactic I've been using for years. And I, I constantly get work. I'm never, I, I don't have to worry about not having a job because I use this technique and I'm con sometimes I gotta turn the tap off.
Right. I turn it on. And it's like a flood of all of these different opportunities. And I gotta turn it off. I gotta turn the taps off. So it stops. And right now I'm, I'm going through that process right now. And it's something else I'm not actually doing background checks and stuff with a job that I, that I got chosen for bar says, awesome.
I have a good state level. Experience, but but new to fed. Oh, okay. That's great, man. That fits right. That fits right into the state federal stuff. It it's kind of goes hand in hand with, I, I believe state uses N right. Well, some states use the, the N 800 framework. So you'll, if, if that's the case you'll fit, right, right.
In there, federal stuff does, does things a little bit different is a lot more details. I, and then smooth virus says I can't get them to stop emailing me. exactly. Exactly. It's crazy. It's crazy. You gotta make sure all of your like monsters, you gotta be turned off, like make the, make your resume invisible.
You've gotta turn off. But what happens is, so what happens? Smooth virus is that the, it works so effectively. He's talking about the, this, this method that I have, it works so effectively because, because when you, when you put the resume into their database, it stays there. it stays in their database for years.
I got people calling me from a resume that went into their database five years, literally five years ago. And they contact me and say, Hey, are you on the market? Like your resume fits this job that just opened up with Boeing or with, with whoever, right. All of these different companies. And they're calling me from five, my resume's five years old in their database.
And sometimes they're like, nah, that's my old resume. Like, here's my new one. Like, here's, here's an updated resume. It really works. Like this technique really, really works. So if you, if you're like really looking for a job you're really trying to level up, then then you should be looking out for this book cuz it's coming soon.
It's coming within the next 30 days for sure. And then I'll have a follow up book where I break down something called a nice cyber security workforce where I break down each category. If you're trying to level up from one. Category to another, or if you're from it and you want to target a specific genre of cyber security, cuz there's many different kinds, then, then that's gonna be the second book.
And that one, I should be able to knock out pretty fast. I hope. And then I'm thinking about a third book in that series where I'm talking about either remote work, cuz I've been able to remote work remotely for, for over six years now. And then I'm thinking about doing one for entry level, cuz I get a lot of questions on that one as well.
So those books are incoming. First book in the series is gonna be called cyber security jobs resume marketing, and that one's coming real soon and, and it really, really works. It's all about finding patterns, finding patterns and exploiting those patterns and putting that on your resume. It it's like you're hacking, it's like you're hacking the entire system to make sure that your stuff rises to the top every time.
And it's really, really been working for me. Okay. There's a conversation happening here. Let me see. He says, bar says he's, he's got he's in Virginia and he's got a CI S P with 18 years of experience. Holy crap, man. You're about to make some money. If you got the, the CI S P or golden. Absolutely.
That's true. Let me see. And he says yeah, I would, if I would, yeah, you'd get around 200,000 or more in, in in Virginia area. Virginia pays really good, especially if you've got a, if you've got Virginia, Maryland, DC, that area, the DMV area, DC, Virginia, Maryland, D D DC, Maryland, Virginia D DMV. Yeah. so much anyway, so that area pays really good.
There's so many jobs in that area pays, pays really, really well. and because there's just so much competition. They they're, they're the ones getting most of the government contracts and it's because there's three level, all the three letter agencies have their headquarters there. NSA, FBI, CIA, all of those.
And some, some other ones DIA and all, all these other ones have it's like the hub of everything. Then you've got the senates there. You know, the Congress is there. You've got the white house. Is there everything is there. So there's all these contractors and subcontractors and there's just this, so many cyber security jobs there.
So, so man, it's crazy. Okay. I got a lot of people. Wow. I got a lot of people watching me right now. Mike VI, how you doing bark? I've got a smooth virus. I've got. Lu Ludwig. Hey, thanks guys. Thanks for watching. I appreciate everybody. And if you guys didn't know if you're caught catching this late, what I'm doing is I'm talking about another book that I'm, that I'm putting out real soon, you're looking at like the rough draft, this isn't E doesn't even have the, the actual right name here, but it's gonna be cyber security jobs, resume marketing.
And this one is gonna break down how you can level up using these proven techniques I've been using for many, many years. And as a matter of fact, people there's people watching me right now who use this technique that I've directly told them how to do it, or they took my course and they did it. And now they're working remotely working where they wanna work, making the kind of money they wanna make.
And that's what I'm trying to help people to do to. Make a whole bunch of mini Bruces out there. So you can, you guys can reap the rewards and the benefits of cyber security that I have over all of these years and not have to worry about the recession or people saying the economy's gonna collapse or whatever, cuz no matter what happens, cyber security is necessary because all of us are relying more and more on information technology.
And the more we rely on it, the more heavily rely we rely on it. The more protection is needed for your, your personally identifiable information, your private information, more more protection on your social security numbers, your banking information, your healthcare information, you name it. Every industry needs cyber security.
So the, the right now, as a matter of fact, there's something like 700,000 jobs that are positions that are need be, need to be filled. That are in the government space alone. So yeah, I'm telling you like it, this is a hot, this is a perfect opportunity to strike while they really need more people.
There's been a huge vacuum of people that have retired gotten outta this career field. A lot of boomers are getting out because they're, you know, they're 60 plus they're kind of getting, getting out, going retiring and stuff. So now there's this huge vacuum of people who are come, who need to come in fresh blood is needed to, to make this system work.
Mike bill says I'm in school doing cyber security and cloud. That's awesome. Mike, I would, I would highly suggest getting a cloud certification. The AWS cloud practitioner is a really good one. I would come outta school with that. And then. As much as you can, Mike, if you can get some kind of experience under your belt while you're in school, that would be awesome.
Get some sort of experience so that when you, you are already starting to fix your resume up, right. And the things that you need to do, the kind of stuff they wanna see on your resume. I mentioned in this book I break it down like how they wanna, how they wanna see it and all that kind of stuff. It's these controls because the name of the game was cyber security.
It's all about it's all about implementation of cyber, of cyber security controls, and actually physical controls and management controls. It's actually quite a bit of different types of controls that you can, if you've ever done an example, like to, just to give you an umbrella of like what kind of controls that they wanna see, not just technical controls, not just firewalls, not just audit logs, but it's also physical.
If you've ever done a physical security control assessment, that's one. If you've ever done a wireless scan, that's one, if you've ever done inventory on a network and, and made sure that the organization has a baseline of, of all of their software and hardware, that's the first two right here. The first two are inventory.
You wouldn't think this is a security control, right? But if you've ever taken accountability of all the assets, assets, meaning their computers, their servers, their workstations, their laptops, their phones, and made an inventory, a list, and you've maintained it in a database or whatever, whatever have you.
If you've done that before, that's actually a cyber security controls. So you gotta put that on your resume. And before you get outta school outta school, Mike, if you can try to get work, I'm working in the college as a as a front desk. That's awesome. If you can get some cyber security under your belt, some kind of, if you help them to.
For example, update their viruses, definitions, like say you, you have a desktop right in front of you. You help 'em to upload their virus definitions, put that on your resume because you can literally name the school and say I updated, you know, X amount of systems with the, or I've I up updated a critical system with the most current signature for McAfee, antivirus, whatever.
Like you could put that on your resume, start building your resume before you even get outta school. Because the most important thing when you get out is gonna be your experience. Yeah. Your degree is great. Like you have a bachelor's degree, especially if you have cloud experience, another thing, build a cloud server before you get out and that's something you don't even need the school for.
You can build a cloud server and get ans practitioner cloud practitioner certification, and you put that on your resume. If you can help the school do any kind of cloud stuff, put that on your resume. I'm in the CCDC team. Yeah, man. That's awesome. What, what does that stand for? CCD C's team is that computer department?
What, what does that stand for? Okay. Somebody says, how can I work as an ISSO without a clearance? So O Omo. So there are jobs and back me up. If you guys know what I'm talking about here, there are some is so jobs without security clearances, but they're, they're rare. And I personally have worked a couple a job, actually, right now I'm interviewing for a job where I already interviewed for it.
I got the job. I'm just doing background check, but there's clearances that are not security clearances. I mean, not secret clearances or not Ts S E I clearances. There's one called the public trust. Public trust is like a lower level a lower level security clearance. So. You, you, you know, you, there are jobs where the is, so doesn't have to have a security clearance, but there's also jobs where the is.
So can have a public trust, which is not as high level as a, a secret clearance or a Ts S sci, and it's way cheaper for them to do that particular type of clearance where they'll bring you in and, and they'll give you that public trust clearance. That's another thing. Another thing is that when you get into those jobs, what they'll do is sometimes they'll pay for your, your SS B I, your background check.
And then you can take that background, check to the next job, your clearance to your next job, and then you get paid a little bit more. It's national collegiate cyber defense competition. That's awesome. Put that on your resume. Put that on your resume. Is do as much as you can, before you get out, you probably give a, get a job before you even get out.
If you start right now, Mike, if you, if you, let me tell you something right now, you can put, you can list the credits that you already have from your degree on your resume. Right? Then you can put that you're on the national collegiate cyber defense competition, and then the accomplished event that you guys have done any kind of any time, you've helped them with their help desk issues, troubleshooting, adding updating patches that kind of thing.
Put that on your resume. It's just a matter of wording it properly, put that on your resume and then put that resume up on LinkedIn. Now it's not gonna have a lot on it because you're just now getting into this field, but I guarantee you, if you put that on monster on dice on LinkedIn and at least 10 other sites, As you're building your resume, you will get contacted.
You could have a job before you even leave the college. You hell it might even be so good that you say, Hey, you know what? I'll come back to college. I'll finish this later. I'm and I'm being completely serious. You'll get offers if you actually do what I just told you. Let me see. Okay. Focusing on the third risk management jobs, I'm focusing on the third party risk management jobs since I have no clearance.
Okay. Is that pretty good? Sounds like that's pretty good money. Like risk management job, third party, risk management job. You could still get security security control assessment jobs, and those pay really good if you're doing like third party risk, risk assessments and stuff like that. That, that, that could do too really good.
Now, om old, if you don't mind me asking, why don't you have a clearance? Is it, are you not eligible to get a clearance? Are you not a citizen? Because I know that. In order to be eligible, to get certain clearances, you have to be a you have to be a us citizen for certain clearances. And I don't, I think public trust, you don't need a clearance, but I could be wrong.
I mean, you don't what I'm saying. So I think for public trust, you don't need to be eligible. You don't have to be a a, a us citizen, I believe, but I could be wrong about that. Let me see. Okay. And then smooth job, smooth virus, just, he confirmed what I said. I'm completing my bachelor's degree now.
I got the job, even though I'm not done yet. Exact. That's exactly what I'm saying. Like one time I give you another example, Mike, when I I got outta the military, I had experience doing the work, but I didn't have all the requirements. I had a degree, but I didn't have, I didn't have a I didn't have the CISs P yet, but because I had the experience.
they said, Hey, you know, I sat with, through the interview, they love me. And they're like, listen, we want to take you. But only thing is this job requires a CI SS. P can you get a CI S S P within a year? I said, I said, yeah. And they said, we'll, we'll, we're gonna send you to a bootcamp. So you can get this, this certification and we'll pay for the certification, but you gotta get it within a year.
I said, yes, I'll do it. So there's flexibility. Like, even while you're in school, if you start to build your resume and market yourself, like I just told you, you can start getting a job. You could actually get a part-time job, making really good money in it and cyber security while you're finishing your degree.
And actually the company, a lot of times, they want you to finish that degree cuz soon as you, you you're done with it. They'll be like, okay, you're a supervisor. Okay. We gotta pay you more. We're gonna put you over here. They'll do that from time to time because they really need people who, who know what they're doing.
They really need people who, who are willing to work and do this and level up. Let me see. Almost says I'm a citizen, man. Then what is happening? Why don't you Somo? Like if you're looking for security clearance then what you could do, one of the things you can do is especially if you live in the east, on the east coast, they have a lot of jobs that require security clearance.
If you have a skill set, you said you, you work as a risk management framework person, third party, but you don't have a clearance. You could get a job, even if it pays a little bit less, right? And, but they're willing to pay for your clearance. Listen, it will be worth your time to work there for about six months, work there for about six months, have them get your clearance take as long as it needs for them to get you a clearance and then bounce, roll out and go to another place and be like, Hey, I got my clearance.
And by the way, I'm a risk management framework person. They'll pay you more money. Like you'll. They'll pay you more my hell after you get the clearance, they might even, they might even update you. They might even pay you more. It says I'm doing things backwards too. I'm in the healthcare and got a security plus and plan on going to get my master's in cyber security.
That's awesome, man. Like healthcare has so many great so many great opportunities because there's just such a huge need for healthcare professionals. People who are well versed in the healthcare industry to be cyber security or it people right now. And I can just give you one example of what I'm talking about.
Like it's, it's so crazy right now. Let me just show you what I'm talking about. Here's my book right now. If you guys, my book's right there. If you guys are trying to learn risk management framework, it's those stuff it's blowing up. Let me see. So let me, let me just take you to this site. This is a DISA site.
I'm gonna take you into a DISA dot mill site. Now you might be wondering, like, what does that have to do with healthcare? I'm about to show you, this is how crazy healthcare is. So I just typed in DISA a dot mill at 81 40. So let me just show you to this site. So 81, 40 and 85 85 70 is like it's like a breakdown of all the approved certifications that the department of defense and by proxy, some of the federal government actually uses to say, okay, these are approved certifications.
So what I wanted to show you is this right here. See this right here. What's that say? You see that this is on the approved list. This is an IAM level two. I am level two means information assurance manager level two, which means it's it's, it's a fancy word for information security or Infor or cyber security for information security.
Manage management and it has H, C I S S C H C I S P P. And I don't know if you've ever heard of this certification, but let me, let me show you something here. So if you type in this particular certification, I happen to know that this one specifically for healthcare and it's coming from the ISC two squared ISC, two squared is the top organization, arguably the top organization for security certifications because they, these are the guys who do the C I S S P.
Now they have one called the H C I S P P, which is for healthcare security certifications. I mean, professionals. And it break. Let me show you the breakdown of this. Like, if you didn't know about this one, this is this, one's hot, this one's hot, especially if you're in the healthcare industry. So this is the kind of stuff that's on that they expect you to know as a H H C I S P P.
and it's H H C I S P P is ideal for information security professionals charged with guarding protecting healthcare information. P H I protected healthcare. He protected health information, including those in the following positions. So if you happen to be in a compliance officer, information, security, privacy, officer, risk analysis analysis analyst hi health information manager.
If you do any of these things, they're saying, Hey, this is good for you. And see, it's listed right up here with the, with all the big boys, all these CI S S P and the cap and all these other ones. I didn't know about that. Thanks for sharing. Yeah, this is a, this is a really, really good one. Now, recently, if you happen to be entry level, this might be for Mike right here.
Entry level, the CI the ISE two square recently created this one right here. This is exciting. I think this one's gonna be listed on that approved list. It's the entry level certification for cyber security people, which is, which is crazy. They're trying to compete with security plus I think, but yeah, anyway, back to our subject.
So we're talking about this one though. So this is CRA, this is crazy. So you just recently added this to that department of defenses, the list of certifications. That means this certification is about the blow up. A lot of that means a lot of contractors, a lot of recruiters, a lot of HR departments are gonna start listing this as a requirement at major healthcare facilities, so that you have this certification, you get this, something like this under your belt.
And the thing is if you've been doing this and the healthcare field for some time, You might, you might just blow this test out of the water and then they have a breakdown of topics. So you gotta, I think you have to give them your, your information. They'll send this to you and, and you'll have their newsletter or whatever, but they have a breakdown of the domains, which I'd be interested in to see this right here.
Oh, here it is right here. Okay. Sneak peek at the domains. Here's the chapters. Third party, risk management, introduction of healthcare industry governance, legal risk compliance. Yeah, really cool stuff. Really cool stuff. It's they're saying it's already ranking in 39th among security clearances. I don't know about that, but that came from certification magazine.
Yeah. So that's, that's really good stuff. Exciting times if you happen to be in this field. It hasn't always been like this. It's it's really hot right now. There's so many, there's so many job opportunities. And I just want to show you guys this this little before I let you go. There's so many jobs that they're looking for recently.
This is from July 1st, 2021 of last year, all the way till now this is from July 29th. The white house is pushing to fill 700 700. This is real. They're pushing to fill 700,000 jobs in cyber security in the United States. And what they're doing to do this is they're getting with all kinds of all kinds of private and public and nonprofit organizations to, to teach this.
That's how they have a whole bunch of free courses out there. They've got a bunch of, of, of organizations that are trying to get entry level people in cyber security. Like I believe Booz Allen Hamilton did it. And they go really fast. Like as soon as they list that job, it just, they jobs just start going really fast.
So the 700,000 job thing is real. Yeah, this is real, man. This is, this is coming directly from the, the, the white house, like the white house at a summit lack last month where they said there's 700,000 cyber security jobs we wanna fill across. I think what they mean not is not just the federal government.
I was, I think I misspoke with that. I think they mean throughout the United States, there's 700,000 jobs. And the reason why is cuz there's heightened, there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes. Like governments are starting to attack each other. There's a huge cyber war going on right now. And so that's why you're hearing about all these leaks and all of these.
All of these hacks and stuff, because a lot of companies and a lot of banks and a lot of healthcare industry facilities and stuff, they don't really have appropriate. They don't have appropriate security measures and what's happening is they're, they're soft targets. And and they're going to these hackers.
There's there's criminal gangs. There's some that are backed by, by government state state governments. There's some that are backed by you name it, criminal organizations, just that you're just trying to get money, whatever it's a free for all right now. And there's, and we are, the us is the biggest target because they're the ones holding all the money right now.
So, you know, they'll go off to a bank cuz they know a they know what the healthcare industry will pay. Like if they get you, did you hear about the one in LA? Like the LA school district? Somebody tried good on LA school district. They, they were able to they were able to protect themselves, but yeah, some, some hacker group went after LA school district.
Let me see if I can find that one.
Let me see if I could find that one. This is crazy. So yeah, the, they, somebody went after hackers target Los Angeles school district with a ransomware attack. They tried to get 'em on a ransomware attack. This was recent. This was like yesterday or something. Yeah. Look at this. September 10th. Yeah. Okay. So four days ago, hackers target Los Angeles school district with ransomware attack.
And luckily the, the school district was prepared for it. This is kind, this is what's happening. This is what's happening across the board because we're, so we've got so many soft targets and It's just, it's, it's sad to see, but that's why there's so many job openings for cyber security. And the white house is pushing this huge initiative to you know, to get more people, cyber security analysts, information system, security officers even, even things like program managers.
They probably lump those, those people in there program managers are super critical to, to doing things like security and engineering. So they are part of our team. Let me see, basle says, I'm looking to get into this field. Can you let me know what I could study or brush up brush up with? Okay.
So here's, here's what I, here's one of the things that I show how to that I would suggest. Okay. And this is just my 2 cents. Like some, there's some gurus out there who are, will tell you something totally different. , this is the first certification that I got from CompTIA. CompTIA has one of the best curriculums out there.
Some people really hate this certification, but you know, the market doesn't, if you have the certification, you can get hired somewhere so people can hate on it all. They want just like ch people hate on ch, but you know what? That will pay you. And this one, if you're an entry level, this is where you can start.
And so one thing you should know is that certifications, you can't just get a certification and magically get a job. Okay? It's not, that's not how it works. Like you can't, if you've never done any it work before you gotta put the work in to learn the material. But what I'm saying to you is that even though these these, these certifications are made to validate the skillset and knowledge that you already know, or the experience you already have, you can use it as a curriculum to learn.
And, and that will get your foot in the door. Now don't focus on the prize so much as the process itself, the process of learning this material in such a way that you can level up and start to actually do this work and, and get yourself an entry level position that doesn't require all of these different high level requirements.
So you go through this and you go through the curriculum of this, and it's gonna show you things like hardware, operating systems, how they work, software troubleshooting, network, networking, troubleshooting, security, virtualization, a little bit about cloud stuff, mobile devices. Those are kinds of the things that you're gonna see on this test.
But bef like before you take the test, you want to actually go read the book, break it down. Learn about it, put it on your computer. You can use VMware to learn it on your own. Like you could have a virtual environment right here, right on your computer. You can set up networks in your house. What, what I did when I first started doing this, I would build computers.
I would, I would buy the components, build the computer, cuz it gets you exposure to the hardware and let you know how the software works with the hardware with hands on experience, nothing beats hands on hand on hands on experience. So if you can get virtual virtual networks from things like GNS three, that's another thing you can use once you get this certification.
Like what you wanna do is study there's. This is two tests. This is not an easy test by the way. Now, if you're not very proficient, if you're not very savvy on on computer stuff, what you can do is go comp tia.org and go to ITF ITF. Plus, if you wanna, this will tell you whether or not you should even take.
Any of this, like you, whether you not, you wanna do this, a lot of people chase that money, chase the stability of it. So you, you might not even wanna do this. You know what I mean? Like this right here kind of dips your toe in the waters of it. So when I keep you probably I think it, Bruce, I don't care about it.
I wanna do cyber security. I know, I know. I know. I understand. But I, cyber security is stands on the . You have to know it before you get into cybersecurity. I, it, cyber security. Is it information technology? All we're doing is it's. It's like one it's cybersecurity is multidisciplinary. All right. So for cybersecurity, You're you're expected to already know information technology that's basic computer stuff, hardware, software troubleshooting, things like that.
So this something like this is an entry level. That's gonna tell you the terminology, the basics of information technology, how it works before you get into the hardware hardcore stuff, which is a plus certification. A plus certification is, is actually no joke. It's it it's, especially if it's your first certification, it's not easy.
So it was my first one and it wasn't easy for me. So it was not easy cuz you have to learn all the terminology and they're just throwing all the stuff at you and stuff. So like now if I went back to it, I'd be like, okay, I know this. Yeah, I know this, I know this, but if you're coming on there cold, a plus is not an easy certification to take cold.
It's not easy to take cold. It's so much terminology that you have to learn. So. After you take, let's say you, you got, you went through all this curriculum. You listened to Bruce's live and you like, man, this guy knows what you're talking about. I'm gonna go ahead and study for a plus. You got a book, you broke down the book, you took notes on it.
You took the test, you passed it. Another thing you could do, I'm just gonna tell you three different search. You should do that. I recommend there's another one called Google. This is, if you don't know, if you don't have a degree, if you Mike is already getting his degree, he's already like he should, he could probably do go straight to professional level search if he wants, because he is about to get a degree he's in UND himself in this world and everything.
But if you happen to have no degree, you're doing us all from scratch. Here's another one you can do. And you can do this one. If you're in college too, it's no big deal, but here's one called the Google support. It certification. The reason why I would recommend this one is because a lot of people are taking this certification with no degree going in.
And, and making and making this kind of salary right here. This is what people are telling me. This is what my users. Now this is anecdotal information. I do not personally have experience with this. This is all new to me. In my experience. You, you can't get into these fields without experience, but I stand corrected cuz several people have contacted me and said, yes, I got this it support certificate and I'm making X amount of dollars.
So this is another one you can do. If you're trying to bypass the degree programs and stuff. I, this is no guarantee that you're gonna get anything. Okay. But I'm just telling you anecdotal information of people contacting me saying I took certification. I'm now making X amount of dollars, not a hundred thousand, but it's pretty good money.
And it's entry level. They're doing entry level work by the way, another certification. Here's the hottest. One of all this one, whether you're in, whether you are in a degree program, whether you are have five years of experience. Whether you have a CIS S P, whether you're coming in off the street, you used to be a sanitation engineer, and now you're doing this.
I recommend every person take this one. Every person, every man, woman, and child dogs, cats living together, all of everybody should take this one. Okay. It's called the eight. If I could type cloud certification practitioner. So there, and let me, I'll just explain why this is, this one's so important. Okay.
And I went to the wrong site here, went to the wrong site. I'm trying to go to actual TMY is a good, good place to actually learn this stuff. I don't teach cloud yet. So TMY is a good place to prac. But anyway, here it is right here. AWS cloud practitioner. This is why this one's so important. Everything is going to cloud.
If you use Google, any Google services you use in cloud, Gmail's using cloud YouTube's using cloud services. All streaming uses cloud Netflix uses cloud everything's on the cloud right now. Everything is on the cloud. And AWS, Amazon is the leader in this. So Amazon's the leader in this. Amazon is killing it.
Like Amazon owns something like 30% of the total market share for a cloud. They, they own most of the government stuff in cloud. They, they they're their only competition really that's that's close is Azure from, went from Microsoft and, and Google Google itself. So this, this certification is not hard and, and everybody should know at least this level of knowledge and here.
And here's the reason why I say this. I just had I'm in the process of getting a new job. Okay. And I, I. L literally hundreds of screeners contacted me and it's just annoying. And I need to turn that crap off. But out of those hundreds of screeners people calling me, you know, really quickly, like it's like a quick interview, not even in interview.
It's like let's see if you qualify for this. Anyway. So out of those hundreds of screeners, I had five interviews. I had five interviews. Two out of those five, I have two that are potential one and one I'm act. I actually, they gave me an offer. They gave me a job offer. I said, yes. And now I'm going through the background process.
I say all this to say, going back to the cloud thing is that out of those five interviews, four of them ask me about cloud. And some of them went pretty deep on. and you gotta know cloud. So if, if you happen to be in an environment where you can learn more cloud stuff, learn it. Because I, I regretful my last job.
They were trying to force cloud down my throat and I didn't wanna do it. And I just kept dragging my feet about, and I wish back looking back. I wish I would've just done it. I wish I just would've at least taken this AWS cloud because they were asking me a lot of cloud questions. And I really didn't know.
I'm really, I really didn't know 'em you gotta learn cloud. So I would. And another thing about this AWS practitioner is that look at this it's a hundred dollars is 90 minutes. How hard does this? This can't be hard is 65 questions, multiple choice. I mean, Pearson peer view. It's this has gotta be easy. And I I'm gonna take this test, period.
I, they, they ask me way too many questions about it. It's getting way too ridiculous. I need to know more about cloud stuff. I need to be able to speak on it. And I was not able to do that. And so four interviewers asked me about freaking cloud stuff and I, and I'm like, damn, like I really should have, got more information on this.
I don't even do cloud. I'm doing information system, security officer type stuff. That's the jobs I was going for. And they keep asking me about cloud. I'm like, damn, like, can you ask me risk man, refr more questions? Like why what's cloud? Like, I mean, I have some exposure to it, you know, like Fedra and stuff like that.
But they were asking me like, like, how do you set it up and stuff? I'm like, what? what, what's the difference between a P a, a S and a and a S a, a S I'm like, oh my what? That kind of stuff. Basic really basic stuff, you know, cloud, but I didn't know it. So so yeah, check this one out. Somebody asked me, do you have a resume template?
I do. So if you go to my site I'm, I'm working on breaking down. if you I'm working on having like a complete breakdown of several different resumes and resume samples and stuff and ATS format, but it's gonna take me a while to do I gotta get off this call so I can go do it. But if you go to my site combo courses.com and you go to all courses, here's some of my stuff, books, new stuff that I put out free stuff.
What you're gonna do is you're gonna go to resume marketing. I have a course on resume marketing, the stuff that I'm writing in a book. I already have a course for it. And it works really, really good, but if you want the template, I'm making it free for now. Okay. So if you happen to be watching this, you are, you are in luck because I'm, I'm telling you free stuff.
That's out there right now that I'm probably gonna make. Not free. So if you go to this right here, just sign up is free. Okay. So number one, you can sign up right now and it's free to sign up. When you sign up for free, there's a ton of free stuff. You can download, you gotta go search for it. There's like, see this free preview stuff like that.
You gotta go through there and it'll have free stuff. This, this one has a downloadable for, for my resume has an actual down here it is right here. See this right here. I don't know if you, I don't know if you can see this. So all you have to do is, is if you sign up, you'll get that one for free. You'll get that one for free.
That's the template. Not always gonna be free. Some of the stuff I'm gonna I'm I'm gonna make it. I'm gonna make it paid, but for now it's free. So yes, the answer is yes, I do have a resume template. I'm gonna make a lot more. They're gonna be linked from the book a pipe. I don't know if I'll make 'em free or not.
I'm not sure. Probably, maybe initially, I, I don't know, but stay tuned for that, but in the meantime, there's an ATS style resume that's out there. And thanks a lot smooth virus for your testimonial. I appreciate that. Okay. That's it guys for this one. Thanks for watching a lot. I got 15 people watching me here.
I'm knowing how many people watching me on Facebook, but thanks for watching. Anyway, I'm gonna make this into a podcast. So stay tuned for that one. If you wanna listen to this again or whatever, it'll be out there. If you didn't know, I've got a podcast site it's on convo courses, dot pod bean been, I gotta get used to saying this combo courses.podbean.com.
Here it is right here. Here's everything. Here's all my podcasts. If you're interested in just listening, I got more coming out. I've been trying to crank these out every day. Not easy to do but here. Somebody said I'm sorry, can you show me where to navigate? Okay. Go to con courses.com. Convo courses.com.
courses.com. I'm go. I'm working on making this its own separate link, but for now I'm I gotta focus on writing this book. Okay. So go to all courses and then go to the course where I talk about marketing, cyber security marketing that breaks down what you do on a resume. And on here, I have a free resume.
If you sign, you can sign up for free. You can sign up for free. Okay. This says $145, but you can sign up for free, totally free. And then what you're gonna do is go, if you sign up for free tons of downloadable, see this one. See, this is free. You'll see this free stuff happen. I mean popping up if you go to resume here, that's where it is right there.
ATS resume sample. I've got a whole bunch of other stuff coming, but I'm just I'm right now, currently working on it. Like, obviously I'm, I'm in this live right now, so I can't do that while I'm in this live. So I really gotta let you guys go. Thanks a lot for watching. I appreciate everybody. Tony long time.
No, see I'm outta here guys. Thanks everybody for your questions. Thanks for.
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